Getting Sh* Done Day 3

Day 3: Put the registration sticker on the car. I got it in the mail and the old one hasn’t expired. This is minor, but something I procrastinate. Or, diary the dates car renewals are due, put it in the calendar so it’s never forgotten. I was almost too embarrassed to write this one down.

Completed. I don’t know why I always procrastinate with this. And it seems every time I got out to the car I forget to take it with me. Calendar reminder also set up to get it paid in advance of it expiring next time (although I always get mail to remind me anyway). 

Day 4:  Set up Google calendar, sync it on cellphone. Set up reminders for:

  • bill due dates
  • things to remember
  • date nights
  • a regular date to list more things online or to post sold items
  • Morning and afternoon routines
  • Weekly cleaning routines
  • Monthly cleaning routines

Day 5: Make appointments. Haircut, eye check, doctors visits, catch ups with people. Anything I’ve been procrastinating over. Once they’re booked, diary them in Google Calendar. If money isn’t budgeted, save up for it and then book. Diary to do this (appointment setting) once a month.

Day 6: Clear out emails and action (or set it as a task to complete if it takes too long). Unsubscribe to anything I don’t need. Diary to do this once a week in Google Calendar!

Getting Sh&t Done – Day 2

Today I got the went op shopping with the kid, although mostly picked up more toys for him. But I did get a $5 Timberland vest for the OH too. Bargain 🙂

I got my 3 items listed on line as well. Let’s wait and see if any money rolls in. Day 2, check!

Tonight I need to focus on my regular job instead of side hustles. Boring.

Day 2: I will list 3 things online for sale. Decide where the money will go in advance. Mine is going towards paying off our smallest debt right now, last week I threw another $25 from online sales to that debt. This does double duty. It clears stuff out of the house and it brings in money. If it doesn’t sell, relist it. I have a reminder set up at 8.30pm three nights a week to relist auctions that haven’t sold, because that’s when people are most likely to be bidding and my auctions will be due to close then. Everything I list I keep in a box in a cupboard labelled “Listed”. I have another box labelled for sold but unpaid items, and once they’ve paid they get moved to the “To post” box. I also have a “to list” box so that I can deposit things in there I found around the house I want to sell. Diary in Google Calendar to do this weekly!

Day 3: Put the registration sticker on the car. I got it in the mail and the old one hasn’t expired. This is minor, but something I procrastinate. Or, diary the dates car renewals are due, put it in the calendar so it’s never forgotten. I was almost too embarrassed to write this one down.

Day 4:  Set up Google calendar, sync it on cellphone. Set up reminders for:

  • bill due dates
  • things to remember
  • date nights
  • a regular date to list more things online or to post sold items
  • Morning and afternoon routines
  • Weekly cleaning routines
  • Monthly cleaning routines

Day 5: Make appointments. Haircut, eye check, doctors visits, catch ups with people. Anything I’ve been procrastinating over. Once they’re booked, diary them in Google Calendar. If money isn’t budgeted, save up for it and then book. Diary to do this (appointment setting) once a month.

The full list (still in progress) is here to start at Day 1 if you want to join with me!

Getting Sh*t Done

My to do list is out of control. It overwhelms me. I don’t take care of myself anymore, I don’t get stuff done.



Last night I worked until 3am finishing up a side hustle job and today I feel like a zombie. BUT! I switched my car insurance over to a new company, which had been on my list for a while. I woke up this morning thinking, okay today is basically a wash out, but from here on, in addition to my usual child/housework/regular job day to day stuff, I’ll get one thing crossed off my list each day.

I need to get organized. Kon Mari helped but we’re renovating, my house is never going to be in any order until we stop renovating. But I need to get sh*t done and stop only churning through day to day life. I used to be so organised and well groomed. I know I can get there again. Anyone want to join me? I’m going to set only 3 days ahead at a time. That way I have time to plan, order supplies and so on and it keeps me from getting too ahead of myself (and more overwhelmed!) If my suggestions don’t suit, choose your own from your list. If you don’t have a master to do list, make one! Do a complete brain dump.

Day 1: Car insurance. If you’re going to join in with me, just review your policy and see if you can get a better deal. If you don’t have a car, look at your other insurances.

Day 2: I will list 3 things online for sale. Decide where the money will go in advance. Mine is going towards paying off our smallest debt right now, last week I threw another $25 from online sales to that debt. This does double duty. It clears stuff out of the house and it brings in money. If it doesn’t sell, relist it. I have a reminder set up at 8.30pm three nights a week to relist auctions that haven’t sold, because that’s when people are most likely to be bidding and my auctions will be due to close then. Everything I list I keep in a box in a cupboard labelled “Listed”. I have another box labelled for sold but unpaid items, and once they’ve paid they get moved to the “To post” box. I also have a “to list” box so that I can deposit things in there I found around the house I want to sell.

Day 3: Put the registration sticker on the car. I got it in the mail and the old one hasn’t expired. This is minor, but something I procrastinate. Or, diary the dates car renewals are due, put it in the calendar so it’s never forgotten. I was almost too embarrassed to write this one down.

To do list tally: 238 items.




April Online Sales Summary

Op shopping purchases (excluding for personal use):

Sales in (includes postage when I charged it):

Transfer to cover auction fees:
$20 (puts the account in credit for next month)

Profit: $32.51

Not a great month but its the first month I've started really tracking. I have a lot in stock to list.

A Slow Weekend

Another work day and another day with exhaustion because little Mr 3 decided to have a poop at 3am and stay awake the rest of the night.


Tried to nap and failed.

Ate too many jellybeans trying to stay awake.

Still eating corned beef so making a hash with it for dinner (getting good at this meal stretching thing!)

Listed one more item on Trade Me, left feedback for other ones and chased up a slow payer.

Updated YNAB

Update our list of bills (depressing)

Saturday housework

Spent most of Saturday night working

Spent Sunday morning working (hours all caught up though, yay!)

Sunday afternoon trying to lure more side hustle gigs



A slow start to the day after little sleep (blame the toddler) and a headache.

Tidied up the house.

Made a grocery list.

Wrapped up Trade Me parcels to send.

Went to the Post Office.

Bought groceries. I tried a new technique of grocery shopping to get my bill done. More to come on that.

Went to the butcher.

Op Shopped and found all these single bed sheets for $1.50 each for our sons bed (he’s transitioning from a cot soon). I got him some more Disney books he’s been loving too.

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Bought a new electric frying pan we’ve needed for a while but I held off until I could get a good deal (hello, 60% off, I’ll take it!) and some new bras I needed desperately.

Worked in the evening.

Spent time trying to get rid of 5$#$#%#$$$ Windows 10 Updates that are being forced upon my system. Microsoft is now a computer rapist.


A work day although I’m lacking in motivation to do paid work today.

I listed about 6 new auctions and did a little housework, then worked into the evening as well.

Planted one of the plants I picked up cheap. A 50 cent blueberry I put into a pot. It isn’t too healthy which is why i was on clearance, but we’ll see how it goes!




Bought some groceries, stocked up on few things that were on special like juice. The other day at the warehouse they had 1kg bags of rice 5 for $5 as well so I stocked up on those.

Op Shopped, picked up 4 items of clothing for my son for $1 each. In great condition too.

Cooked a corn beef in the slow cooker that will get us through the next couple of days. Dinner tonight will probably be some of the cheap rice, the corn beef (It was $9 but will get a few meals out of it) and some spinach etc from the garden. I’m determined to get our grocery budget lower.

Heard about my tax return and have to manage find a lot of money to pay not just this years tax but provisional for the next one too. How do they expect people to pay two years worth at once?

Worked all evening. Exhausted.


I started off the morning by doing a fresh start in YNAB. The categories were a mess from when I set out the expenses all as week 1, week 2 etc, thinking it would make a difference for my weekly pay but it just got too confusing. In order to clean it up I had to fresh start it since I had money assigned to most of them in the past. It feels good anyway to get it all cleaned up.

I have about $70 worth of online sales coming in this week so happy about that although posting can be a lot of work.

Listed 1 item on Trade Me.

Did 1 hours work although its a public holiday, I don’t want to fall behind.

Contacted auction winners with postage costs.

Downgraded my Dropbox account to save $10 a month.

Went for a short walk.

Made meatloaf with vegetables from the garden – zucchini, carrot, onion.

Made scones for lunch. We were running out of bread and I didn’t want to make a special trip into town.

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